Six contents of corporate culture

Six contents of the corporate culture

Corporate culture generally includes six types of content :

Vision, values, behavior, people, history, and place.

You should ask two questions first, and we will finally answer them:

The first one: Do all companies need to pay equal attention to the six aspects when building their own culture? Is there any company that is particularly advantageous in one or more aspects, but particularly deficient in other aspects?

Second: When summarizing the culture of a company, must we fully take into account six aspects?

01 Vision

Vision is the starting point for the construction of corporate culture, and the vision indicates the goals of the company.

For people outside the company, the company’s vision statement is the starting point for us to judge the company’s culture.

For example, Gree’s statement of his vision is:

“Create the world’s leading air-conditioning company and make Gree a century-old world brand”

Tsingtao Beer’s statement of its vision is:

“Become a large international company with a globally influential brand”

Tsingtao Beer’s statement of its mission is:

“Use our passion to brew beer that consumers like and create happiness in life”

02 Values

Corporate values ​​are the core of corporate culture.

The corporate values ​​are the guidelines for corporate behavior.

For example, Gree’s values ​​are shown above:

“Less empty talk, more practical work, quality first, customer satisfaction, loyalty and friendliness, diligence and enterprising, honest management, multi-win situation, dedication to work, pioneering and innovative, law-abiding, honest and honest”

Tsingtao Beer’s explanation of its values ​​is a bit complicated, and divided into nine concepts :

Market concept, brand concept, service concept, quality concept, talent concept, ethics concept, development concept, management concept and environment concept.

03 Behavior

A business’s behavioral style emphasizes the characteristics of the way a business conducts various aspects of its day-to-day work.

For example, if a company emphasizes equality, the company will encourage all employees to actively participate in discussions. This way it is visible. The culture of this kind of enterprise is a “horizontal” culture.

However, it is possible to understand the behavior of an enterprise only by observing it inside the enterprise or having in-depth communication with its employees.

04 characters

Company-related figures (employees, spokespersons, etc.) specifically express the company’s values.

The most famous figure in Gree should be Dong Mingzhu.

How do you feel about Gree when you see Dong Mingzhu?

There are also front-line workers in the enterprise.

For example,’s “end employees” are responsible for delivering goods to consumers. Does their mental outlook and behavior contribute to our feelings about

What’s more, Liu Qiangdong once delivered goods.

We can indirectly see a company’s expectations and definitions of its employees through the company’s recruitment information and initial interviews.

05 History

Any business has its own history.

Discovering and telling its own history is a key way for companies to build culture.

However, there are many vehicles for telling corporate history.

For example, the World of Coca-Cola (World of Coca-Cola) located in Pemberton Square in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is a place where the Coca-Cola Company tells its historical information.

Another example is the well-known Johnson & Johnson company, which has a stone tablet at its headquarters with the content titled “Our Credo.”

This creed was established in 1943 by Robert Wood Johnson, chairman of Johnson & Johnson.

This “creed” has become a core historical message that Johnson & Johnson vigorously “flaunt”.

Any organization with a rich history can dig up that history and tell it.

06 Location

How do you feel when you see a company with a unique workplace?

For example, Pixar Animation Studio (Pixar) is already a well-known company. From “Toy Story” to “Finding Nemo”, they are all world-famous works.

Its headquarters has a huge atrium.

This distinctive atrium brings some uniqueness to Pixar.

What other company can you think of that has a very unique office location or venue?


Finally, let me talk about the two questions at the beginning.

first question:

Not all companies have obvious advantages in the six aspects.

Therefore, when companies build culture, they should give full play to their advantages and cannot cover everything.

Among the six aspects, the statements of “vision” and “values” are easy for any company to achieve. It’s just a “statement” after all.

“Behavior”, “history”, and “characters” are all difficult to artificially transform.

“Place and place” are easier and faster to implement. After all, if you have money and a design, you can choose a location or build a unique building.

second question:

Some companies are quite mediocre in one or more aspects.

For example, new start-ups have no history of their own, and some have office locations without any characteristics.

Therefore, these enterprises are not comprehensive cultural types, but only cultural types that focus on one or a few aspects.

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