What qualities and abilities should company employees have?

What qualities and abilities should company employees have?

First, pay attention to whether the company’s platform is conducive to the development of personal abilities.

What qualities should modern enterprise employees have? Qualities of modern enterprise employees: 1. Learning  2. Knowledge

3. Experience  4. Skills   5. Ability  6. Training

1. What is Learning?

Learning refers to the relatively lasting changes in learners’ behavior, efforts and psychological tendencies caused by experience. These changes are not caused by maturation, disease, or drugs, and they do not necessarily manifest as overt behavior.

learn definition

Definition 1: A lasting or relatively long-lasting adaptive change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience or practice.

Definition 2: All processes that enable animals to adapt their behavior to specific environmental conditions, or the process in which animals adapt their behavior to specific environmental conditions with the help of individual life experiences.

What is learning: What is learning in educational psychology

Learning is a relatively permanent change in an individual’s behavior or behavioral potential caused by practice or repeated experience in a specific situation.

There are three key points to grasp in understanding this concept:

First, learning refers to changes in behavior or behavioral potential. Changes in behavioral potential refer to when people acquire general knowledge and experience through learning. This learning may not necessarily be immediately manifested in current behavior, but it affects people’s future behavioral potential.

Second, changes in learning are caused by acquired experience, and instinctive activities do not belong to learning. Human development is determined by two factors. One factor is natural maturity and the other factor is learning. Changes in natural maturation do not belong to learning. For example, changes in the voice of adolescent boys are the result of physiological maturation and cannot be called learning.

Third, the change must be “relatively durable.” This emphasizes that changes in learning are distinguished from temporary changes caused by adaptation, illness, or medication, which are generally reversible. But if we learn to swim, skate, ride a bicycle, play ball, etc., these skills will be remembered almost throughout our lives.

2. What is Knowledge?

We often say that knowledge is power.

So, what is knowledge?

Knowledge is information that changes our actions and improves us.

Yes, knowledge is information.

If it doesn’t improve our understanding or change our actions, information is just jokes, not knowledge.

The following is an example I saw from a public account article: a piece of information that changes our cognition – a method of praising people:

I read a book about how to praise people some time ago and learned the “FFC” method: the first F is feeling, the second F is fact, and the third C is comparison.

For example, if I want to praise today’s host, I won’t say: “You are so beautiful.” Applying “FFC” knowledge, I would say this:

You are so beautiful today, it makes people’s eyes light up; (feeling)

The red and black clothes you are wearing match your wavy hair, and your watch and shoes match perfectly; (Fact)

You have really good taste, much better than any host I’ve ever seen. (Compare)

This method can change our actions: learning to praise others improves our relationships with others. This information is knowledge.

Therefore, when we read books, we understand some information or rules that can change our behavior and improve our knowledge.

3. What is Experience?

Experience is the assessment and response to low-probability events.

Experience is not knowledge, knowledge is general, experience is special; knowledge corresponds to high probability, experience corresponds to small probability; knowledge is a standard process, and experience is exception handling.

Knowledge can be learned through books or training, and experience can generally only be accumulated through practical work.

Any knowledge is derived by induction, and induction represents the process from facts to generality. This abstract process discards details and low probability events.

for example:

Management is knowledge, and studying management can allow you to understand the general rules of business management. Ten years of management experience, and experience can teach you that only by first entering a management position can you have the opportunity to practice management. Moreover, in most companies you work for, most people in the team rarely conform to the general laws of management.

Swimming tutorials are knowledge, and studying tutorials can help you learn to swim. 10 years of swimming experience and experience can teach you how to respond if you find someone else cramping and drowning while swimming.

Therefore, no matter what kind of knowledge and training, it is impossible to completely replace experience. If experience is used as learning and training content, it will not be cost-effective at all.

4. What are Skills?

Skills in a certain field are acquired through certain exercises or practices based on the acquisition of relevant knowledge. Skills included? Hard skills: Trainable skills that are easily measurable. Hard skills can be defined as technical abilities that are appropriate for the job. Typically, this skill can be acquired in the classroom, in online courses, through books and other materials, or on the job, such as being able to shoot a basketball; Soft skills: Skills are abilities that are difficult to measure through tests , nor is it an ability unique to any job. Such as time management, humor, writing, etc. Here is a question: “Are skills necessarily inseparable from knowledge?” Everyone can think carefully about what is ability? The ability to use relevant knowledge and related skills (in most cases multiple skills are required) to solve specific or non-specific fields. Question. What does ability include? The ability here is broad and is usually a general ability that transcends specific fields, such as thinking, communication, planning, etc. At this point, you may be confused, “What is the difference between soft skills and abilities?”

5. What is Ability?

To put it simply, ability is your ability to do what you want to do to make it feasible.

To put it into detail, what corresponds behind it is the accumulation of knowledge and experience and the mastery of skills and resources. And all of this is based on the most basic underlying ability structure, which is actually your various abilities and talents, such as cognition and quotient, which come from innate genes and acquired cultivation. The collective name for all this is called ability.

Capabilities are like the general index of a system, which contains various branch indexes. Some important abilities that people usually emphasize are actually upper-level abilities. For example, the efficiency of learning ability depends on the support of the underlying meta-ability value.

Everyone has their own abilities, but the size and focus of the abilities are different. Your ability to drive a Titan is an ability, and others’ ability to ride a bicycle is also an ability. Master Wang’s strength is ability. The aunt who sells pancakes and fruit on the roadside is still capable. People who do scientific research in the laboratory are also capable. Those who can tell people about blessings are also capable. Being able to go to work and fish with ease is actually a kind of ability. Usually, people only focus on those with outstanding abilities, thinking that is called ability. Ignoring the abilities of ordinary people and thinking that they are purely incompetent will actually make you realize that it is not easy when you set up a street stall. People love to hear about the powerful abilities of superheroes, but few have the patience to pay attention to the growth of ordinary people.

No matter what kind of ability you have, it is actually the result of the interaction of a series of comprehensive conditions and factors.

Everyone knows the importance of ability, but ability does not come out of thin air. Ability and resources are symbiotic. The innate initial value is uncontrollable. All people can do is build it the day after tomorrow, and the construction of the ability itself requires the support of resources. Due to the influence of resources, environment, and other factors, people build different abilities. Finally, different resources can be mastered according to their abilities and their own inherited resources. The resources at their disposal will, to some extent, continue to influence the capabilities of the next generation.

And resource issues will further divide this phenomenon.

For example, if someone is enviable by nature, he will have more than he acquires.

People can sympathize with people who are born with deficiencies and acquired poverty.

Or it may be a grassroots counterattack that is innately outstanding and becomes barren the next day, which makes it a good story among people.

But the real situation is that most people are born with an average nature and lack of training.

6. What is Training?

Training is cultivation + training, which is a way of enabling trainees to master certain skills through cultivation and training. Domestic training mainly focuses on skills training, focusing on behavioral aspects. In order to achieve unified scientific and technical specifications and standardized operations, through modern information-based processes such as goal planning and setting, knowledge and information transfer, skill proficiency drills, assignment achievement evaluation, and results exchange announcements, trainees can use certain educational and training technical means. , training to achieve the expected level and improve goals, improve combat effectiveness, personal abilities, and work abilities is called training.

At the end of many candidate interviews, the interviewer will say to the candidate: “Do you have anything else to ask me?” 60% of candidates will ask: “What kind of training will I receive after joining the company?” “It seems that candidates are more concerned about training than salary levels. Training seems to have become an important indicator to judge whether a company has a sound system and whether it pays enough attention to its employees.

It seems that training is a very powerful thing, but in fact, as long as you have done training-related work, you will know that training is not so high-level…

We often encounter this situation in training work: the boss at the year-end meeting asks the participating managers: “What do you think the company or department will focus on next year?” Managers often say that more talent training is needed, Regarding skills training, the boss immediately decided that he would vigorously promote training within the company next year! But when you really want to push forward the training plan in the second year, these managers often refuse to carry out the training or refuse to participate in the training for various reasons, such as too busy business, lack of manpower, meeting customers, business trips, etc., which ultimately leads to the failure of the training to proceed smoothly as planned, or to a direct abortion.

Therefore, if training is an important position, it can be very important and useful. The successful operation of GE Croton College and P&G University, as well as the rapid rise of domestic excellent corporate universities, all prove the importance and prospects of training; But if someone comes and tells you that training is not important at all, don’t be surprised, because 1. Training can’t see results in a short period of time; 2. On the surface, most training is pure expenditure and does not generate income. ; 3. The training provided by many companies is just a formality and does not help the business.

So what does training really mean to me?

In terms of purpose, training has two main purposes:

1. Empowerment

2. Screening

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